Pilates Blast Red Bank

Jenny S

What Jenny Brings

Spunky attitude by the bucket full!

Jenny is no stranger to the fitness world or the struggles of finding a good workout –  and after taking a few Megaformer classes, her love for Lagree was solidified.  With her spunky attitude, contagious energy and killer playlists, Jenny will have you shaking (and singing!) in her Megaformer classes. 

She loves motivating her clients to push themselves in each hold, pulse or 8-count, all while making sure they leave feeling like a rockstar!

About Jenny

Live concert or Mega class? Both!

20 Questions, well 18...

  • Favorite thing about your class?
    The people that show up week after week (I truly love the clients)
  • Favorite thing about mega or pilates as a client? (Like when you take class what inspires/ motivates you) 
    I always think “this will only take 40min” it’s so satisfying when you are done. How can you get that wrecked in such a short amount of time! Love it.
  • Favorite type of music for class?
    Upbeat 80s/90s.
  • Describe your class/ teaching style?
  • What made you want to become an instructor?
    I never loved a workout as much as I loved the megaformer workout. I have never tired of it, and have never found something that made me feel as good as this workout.
  • Fun/ interesting fact about yourself?
    I love traveling/hate flying (but will fly anywhere).
  • Favorite pilates / Mega move?
    Escalator Lunge.
  • Did you have an “AHA” moment with Pilates or Mega? What was it?
    I remember that first time in a class where I knew most of the names of the exercises and everything started to click.
  • What can you not live without?
    My vacuum (I wish I was joking) If we are being more serious (my daughter, Skyler)
  • What’s a life hack you love?
    Fall asleep thinking about everything that went right that day.
  • Favorite time of day?
  • What makes you happiest these days?
    Watching my daughter enjoy something.
  • Still or Sparkling?
    Always Sparking.
  • Something you can never get sick of?
  • Guilty pleasure?
    True Crime documentaries.
  • Most fun you’ve ever had.
    This is funny. I have a picture of me swimming with a dolphin. It looks like the most fun I’ve ever had. I crack up when I see it. I know I’ve had more fun than that, but the picture says it all. (I’m laughing thinking about it) I’ve definitely had more fun, but everything is measured up to that picture. Haha.
  • Best advice you’ve ever gotten?
    “Never trust a blinker”
  • Favorite song?
    This is impossible to answer. I’m obsessed with music. I couldn’t pick just one! Come to my class. You’ll hear some good tunes.


Jenny in action

Jen stanley in action at pilates blast

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